He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
If you have experienced abortion, we want you to know that you are not alone. We have been where you are and we know what you are feeling.
There is hope and lasting freedom for you and we are here to help. Are you ready to take a step in your healing? It’s time for you to attend a free weekend retreat.
Michelle Barber - Executive Director - 817-929-6247
Amy Houk - Deeper Still TN
Amy attended church, but always worried about people getting too close to her. She would sneak in and out, making no real connections with anyone for fear she would be found out. When she heard about Deeper Still, she felt she did not need to go, but did so reluctantly. When arriving at the retreat, she saw the beauty of the Lord on faces that greeted her, but wondered "where are all the people that look like I feel?"...
Jason Hurst - Deeper Still TN
Jason fathered 2 children that were lost to abortion. He tried to run from the Lord and from his pain, but God in His mercy and relentless pursuit, healed and restored Jason and that was only the beginning of his healing journey...
Sue Molitor - Deeper Still TN
Sue was offended by the white crosses placed by churches representing the innocent lives lost through abortion. As she opened herself up to what the Lord would speak, healing and restoration flowed freely in her life as she gained a new understanding of how God uses those visual reminders to stir up His presence and life in those He wants to restore.